Our office is the private practice of a Board Certified OB/GYN physician, and female nurse practitioner. Both offer complete gynecology and primary medical care, applying the same patient-centered philosophy as they apply in their abortion care. Our physician is also a highly skilled surgeon, specializing in complex gynecological procedures. We encourage you to return to AWHC for well-woman care, including annual exams and pap smears, and for our family planning services, birth control and fertility consultations.
We provide well-woman exam visits which are tailored to your specific needs and include:
- Pap Smear Test
- Birth Control consultation
- STI testing (genital warts/HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas)
- Testing for gynecological infections, such as yeast vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infections (for an additional fee)
We can provide prescriptions for birth control for those patients who have had a well-woman exam with us. We can provide a birth control consultation visit if you do not need a physical exam, but would like to get started or continue a birth control method. In these situations, we request that you bring a copy of your previous pap smear results or have them faxed to the office prior to your appointment.
If you have had an abortion with us and received a birth control prescription, you can make an appointment for a well-woman exam or contraception consultation and we can continue your prescription. We cannot extend your prescription without an office visit and evaluation.
About the Pap Smear
The pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. A speculum is inserted into the vagina so that the clinician can see the cervix and take a sample of cells with a brush. If a pap smear result is abnormal, it does not mean that you have cervical cancer. It means that further testing (HPV testing and/or colposcopy) should be done to determine what abnormality is present, if any. These tests are sent to an outside lab and we normally will receive results within a week
We can test for common vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections in our office and provide treatment the same day, if needed.
About STI Testing
AWHC does not analyze samples in-house for HPV, HSV (herpes), HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis at this time. We can collect cultures or refer you to a local laboratory to have your blood drawn and analyzed. These tests are sent to an outside lab and we normally will receive results within a week. If you are interested in having these tests we are happy to provide you with an appointment with one of our providers. For more information on free and low cost testing sites, please contact the City of Austin’s STD Clinic, HIV Prevention & Outreach Program, AIDS Services of Austin, Integral Care (Community AIDS Resources & Education), Kind Clinic, or the Center for Health Empowerment.